Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Siri is 3 weeks old

Siri falling asleep in my arms. She looks so peaceful doesn't she?
Siri all dressed up for Father's Day
"I like to smile" :)
"I like boppy time"
It's been a more than a week since my last post.....unfortunately my computer crashed, again! I've had so many problems with my laptop so I'm finally going to buying an Apple, I hear they don't crash, yay!! Since my pictures were on my computer, I've uploaded the ones I have been taking using my camera phone to post on the blog for now....they aren't too bad huh?! Of course, like anyone who has a new child, I've been taking endless pictures of Baby Siri....probably too many...and then I actually print every single one of them as well!!! That's probably not going to be sustainable...considering how I just spent $60 one time and then $15 the last time just for photos. Ahhh, what the heck, Baby Siri is all worth it :)
Well Baby Siri is 3 weeks old now....but it doesn't feel like it because she's growing so fast. Very early on she's been holding her head up and now she's been sleeping long hours in the night, it's great! She's been a really good baby so far, not crying much unless she's hungry.....although the cries do get worse since we take a minute or two to warm up her milk!! But the moment we feed her, she's all quiet and happy :) Mommy and Daddy are doing very well....loving every moment we spend with our baby girl. Mommy has been taking Baby Siri on lots of shopping trips .....she enjoys the outings...well, what she enjoys is being in her carseat/stroller, its seems to be very calming for her.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Siri just hanging out at home

Boppy Time! June 11, 2008
Grandma, Baby Siri, Mamma, and Uncles Muni, Nakia & Nando.
Siri with her happy Papa :)
Siri after waking up from her nap. June 13, 2008

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Baby Siri, out 'n about!

Siri just hanging out on the bed
Siri with her Uncle Nando... just had lunch.
Baby Siri eventually woke up but quietly stayed snuggly in her stroller. She's our cutie-pie :)
3 generations of shoppers, Lilly's mom, Lilly & Baby Siri
Siri and her Papa.....look how happy the new daddy is, he loves his baby girl!!
My mom with her first grandchild :)

Our baby Siri today is 9 days old today...and everyday, our little girl is changing, from her face, to her eyes, to how she looks at you, to how much she eats and how long she can stay up.....subtle changes, but still very noticeable and so very amazing!! I know it's only been 9 days but people have always said, "they grow up so fast", and I definitely can see why they say that. Mamma & Papa are also doing well, we both really enjoy every moment with her.....especially when she's just staring at you, oh it's so heart-warming :) She's still sleeping most of the day so when she's up, it's just so cute to look at her. She likes to keep us up at night, between the hours of 1-4 a.m, but eventually she settles down and sleeps well into the late morning.

Siri's grandmother arrived from Cambodia last Thursday and unfortunately is leaving us tonight. With her here, we've been taking our little Siri out 'n about, walking around, doing some shopping and enjoying the nice weather. We've even gone to see Siri's uncle Nando at the Grove and had a nice lunch at Morel's Bistro....Baby Siri does so well when we're out, she's sleeping the entire time but that's okay! Thanks Maman for coming here....I wish you could stay longer, it's been very nice to have you around, Baby Siri will miss you :) Please come back soon!! Here are some more pictures of our little one during her first week.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Baby Siri is one week old today :)

Yes I know I have different mittens on, they just keep falling off, but I'm still cute :)
Siri is getting her first sponge bath. She doesn't like it much now but hopefully she will later on. Mamma had to hold her hands to keep her from crying while Papa did the bathing.
Baby Siri hanging out in her playard. This is great for the daytime so you don't have to go up and down the stairs!
This is Siri on her first day out 'n about. She slept through the whole you can see, she's quite comfortable in her carseat! But this is what Siri looks like most of the time....with her eyes closed.
Mommy and Me time...I love my baby girl!!!Baby Siri just hanging out on her boppy after Mommy fed her :)

Friday, June 6, 2008

Our baby is here, beautiful & healthy!!!

There she is, Siri's first few minutes outside her mommy's womb :)
Mommy getting to hold her baby girl for the first time, oh, what an emotional moment!
Siri, in the evening of her birthday, June 2, 2008 (unfortunately she scratched herself)
Siri Natalia Hyde, doing her favorite thing, sleeping :)
Yes, our little baby girl is finally here....2 days after her due date, YAY!!! We went into the hospital on Sunday morning, a little after 10 a.m. because I thought perhaps my water might have leaked and I did start having some minor contractions. Although it was determined that my water had not broken yet, the nurse/midwife advised that my labor be "augmented" (I was already in labor but in the very early stage so technically it's not an induction) because they saw that my amniotic fluid was slightly low and that their wasn't a large amount of fetal activity. They broke my water around 3 pm and then I began feeling stronger contractions and started going into "active" labor. After 12 hours of active labor, our little Siri was ready to come out. She was born on Monday June 2nd, at 3:42 a.m. at 8 lbs, 2 ounces. Yup, she was a big baby :) The whole process of Siri's birth was not what I had anticipated but I hear it never goes the way you think it might. The birth experience for me was great despite a minor "hiccup" in which I had to endure 2 hours of painful contractions (sans epidural)......think of sharps pains shooting across your lower back, not so nice! But of course it's all worth it when you get a wonderful gift in the end, our beautiful baby, Siri Natalia Hyde. She's such a precious little baby and we just adore her, so taken back by the fact that she is in our lives now . She's been a typical little newborn so far, just eating and sleeping and keeping us up in the middle of the night. Here are some pictures of Siri in her first few minutes and days of life!!