Wednesday, April 30, 2008

35 weeks....31 days to go!

I have officially one more month left, and Baby Siri will be here with us....woo hoo!! As each day, week and month passes, the anticipation and excitement just gets bigger!!! I had my doctor's appointment this morning and everything is going well. I'm measuring around 35 weeks even though I'm closer to 36 weeks, which is okay. Baby Siri is estimated at around 5 lbs right now...her heartbeat is 132 bpm. The doctor checked my cervix this time to see if it's open at all.....and Whoa!, that was a weird experience!! But anyway, nope, my cervix is closed which is fine since I still have a month to go anyway. I'm going to go process my state disability paperwork today as last day of work will be May 16th so that gives me two weeks to prepare for Siri's arrival. Still lots to do....but we'll get it done!! We're starting childbirth classes tomorrow.....every Thursday night up until I give birth. I'll tell you how that goes. I have no new pictures so here's our little Princess framed :)

Monday, April 21, 2008

Maternity Tour

Charles putting up the chair rail

This is what Siri's nursery will look like.....we didn't want the whole room pink though.

We just got back from a 2 & 1/2 hr Maternity Tour at the Kaiser Hospital in Anaheim. It was a very informative session talking about all the different prenatal education classes they have available, the different hospitals you can choose to have your birth, what to do when you start going into labor and about what to expect once you get to the hospital. You know they actually advise us not to go to the hospital until your contractions are about 2-3 minutes apart....good to always see on TV that they go once their water breaks! Great news is that all rooms are no sharing. Also, all the rooms are nicely decorated and all have a flat screen TV, restrooms and showers. I can have up to 3 support persons during my delivery......but even so, I think it'll just be my mom and Charles. I can't imagine anyone else who would want to experience my pain of going through labor!! Well next week we start Childbirth Preparation classes every Thursday night for the next 5 weeks....basically up until I give birth so that should be really helpful. This past weekend was great.....I spent Saturday with Vanessa and we had breakfast, did a little shopping (been buying Baby Siri lots of clothes and other things) and ended our time together with a nice massage in Brea :) Then on Sunday we did some more work on Siri's nursery with Charles putting up the new baseboard, chair rail and crown molding. I helped whenever I could with measurements and painting. My work will come once all the furniture is put together......when I can start decorating! I can't wait, I'm so excited to get that done :) Here are some pictures of Charles hard at work!

Monday, April 14, 2008

33 weeks.....47 days to go!

Me, Cat and Debbie...check out Cat's funky socks and her tutu!!
Me & Cat

Thanks to the BabyCenter, I get weekly emails to remind me of when Baby Siri is expected to right now, she's less than 50 days away!!!! She's supposed to be a little over 4 pounds right now. I've been feeling especially big these days.....and I'm finding myself wanting to waddle just because it's more comfortable to walk that way! Well this past weekend we finally made progress on her nursery...woo hoo :) Charles did most of the work prepping the room for painting but I did help clear a few things. We went to Home Depot Sunday to pick up paint colors.....tan & pink. Charles says the pink looks like Pepto Bismol....and well, it actually does. But we only have it on the bottom half of the room so it's not overpowering Pepto Bismol! Just bought all the furniture online last week so once Charles puts up the new base board, chair rail and crown molding, we'll start putting the furniture together, yay!! While Charles was painting on Sunday, I spent a few hours out 'n about, met up with Debbie and we both headed over to Golden West College to watch Cat perform at a Dance concert. My dearest Cat, you were amazing, I loved watching you dance!!! I thought she was clearly the best dancer out of ALL the dancers. Here are some pictures we took afterwards.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Baby Talk

Mamma Lilly, Mamma Celin (she's got 8 years on us!) and Mamma Corinne
Look, we're baby belly buddies!
Lilly at 32 weeks.....8 more weeks to go :)

It's been months since we've seen our good friends, Corinne & Dan (Corinne and I were pledge sisters at USC and we did almost everything together back in the college days!!!) They too are expecting a baby girl....3 weeks after me & Charles! Us 4 all went to dinner last night at the Yardhouse in Brea and spent much of the night talking about babies of course. Baby Siri and baby Chloe are gonna grow up and be best buddies!!! They'll be living far apart but I'm sure we'll make time for lots of playdates. Even though Corinne is only 3 weeks behind me, she's hardly showing......but I know that I've grown much bigger just in this last month so she'll be getting bigger in the next couple weeks too I'm sure. Yesterday was Celin's birthday and although she couldn't join us for dinner, she did come over to our house afterwards (we'll be officially celebrating her birthday next saturday). Happy Birhday Celin, we love you!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Today's OBGYN appt (31 weeks)

With my brother Nando...he hasn't seen me in 3 months!

Today was my day off and I went to see my doctor again this morning. All is well with baby Siri......same thing as last time, her heartbeat is normal and she's been a real active one, using mommy as a punching bag, hehehe!! My doctor asked me to count how long it takes for her to have 10 kicks....normal is about 2 hours or less. I know Siri kicks a lot so I just have to pay attention to how many times she does it. It's cool because now I actually feel her elbow poking me on the side....and when she does it, I like pressing my belly to play with her! My brother and his friend came down and had lunch with me today so it was nice to see him. We haven't seen each other since January so he got to feel my big ol' belly for the first time.