Monday, April 14, 2008

33 weeks.....47 days to go!

Me, Cat and Debbie...check out Cat's funky socks and her tutu!!
Me & Cat

Thanks to the BabyCenter, I get weekly emails to remind me of when Baby Siri is expected to right now, she's less than 50 days away!!!! She's supposed to be a little over 4 pounds right now. I've been feeling especially big these days.....and I'm finding myself wanting to waddle just because it's more comfortable to walk that way! Well this past weekend we finally made progress on her nursery...woo hoo :) Charles did most of the work prepping the room for painting but I did help clear a few things. We went to Home Depot Sunday to pick up paint colors.....tan & pink. Charles says the pink looks like Pepto Bismol....and well, it actually does. But we only have it on the bottom half of the room so it's not overpowering Pepto Bismol! Just bought all the furniture online last week so once Charles puts up the new base board, chair rail and crown molding, we'll start putting the furniture together, yay!! While Charles was painting on Sunday, I spent a few hours out 'n about, met up with Debbie and we both headed over to Golden West College to watch Cat perform at a Dance concert. My dearest Cat, you were amazing, I loved watching you dance!!! I thought she was clearly the best dancer out of ALL the dancers. Here are some pictures we took afterwards.

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