Saturday, May 24, 2008

Waiting for our Little Siri!

Corinne's Baby Shower ( Me, geri, Corinne, Celin, Stacey & Alice)

The mom-to-be has been off work for a week now.....I spent the whole week in complete nesting mode, cleaning and organizing my house and getting Baby Siri's nursery ready (opening all the gifts and boxes, putting things away, washing her teeny tiny clothes and all her crib stuff, decorating, vacuuming, etc). I feel very accomplished!! I've made many trips to Baby's R Us to buy the rest of the things on the registry, my next stop is Target. Everything is almost done so I won't have much left to do next week...I plan on just resting and conserving my energy for labor and delivery. I still need to get my hospital bag ready and that's pretty much it....oh, and Papa Charles needs to install the car seats as well, that's pretty important! Today I'm feeling weaker and more tired....I don't know if that's a sign for me to just take it easy and relax. I've just been so anxious to have her here so I've been doing everything I can to make sure we're ready for her. We're definitely more ready now than we were a week ago :)

Last Sunday was Corinne's Baby Shower and we spent a wonderful afternoon in Pasadena. There was a Intuitive Counselor there and she shared some interesting things about our little Siri....she's going to like to sing. Apparently all my singing in the car soothes her :)

During my last visit to the Dr. on Thursday, she checked again to see if my cervix had opened and unfortuntately it's still closed. Our little Siri isn't quite ready to come out yet...but hopefully she won't be too long, she's due in a week! She's estimated right now at around 6 lbs & 12 ounces.

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