Thursday, August 28, 2008

Pictures from our first week in KL

Siri hanging out on grandma's couch in her office at the Embassy

Siri getting sleepy

Mommy & Siri having dim-sum at the Mandarin Oriental hotel

Nora with her Baby D (1 month) & me with Siri (3 months)

Yummy yummy....DONUTS...don't they look so tasty? Baby Siri was even salivating :)

Siri waiting while Mommy shops

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Greetings from Malaysia!

Mamma & Baby Siri arrived here in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on Monday morning and so far, we're having a blast! We're here until the end of the week and then we'll be heading off to Cambodia for 2 weeks. Siri is so excited to be spending the next few weeks with her maternal family, including her grandparents and little uncles and aunties!!

The journey here was long...almost 24 hours (We checked in at the airport 2 hours before, then it was 12 hours from LA-Taipei, then a 2 hour layover, and then another 4 hours from Taipei-KL and then of course the drive to the city). With all of that, Baby Siri did so well, in fact, she cried just here & there on the plane (for less than a minute) and once I gave her a bottle, she stopped immediately and fell back asleep. Siri slept throughout the whole flight from LA-Taipei, it was great!! And thankfully the guy next to me changed his seat so I didn't have anyone next to me ... it gave me a little more room for all the baby things I had to have next to me.

We were warmly greeted at the at the airport by my mom and her friend, Auntie Min. We didn't rest right away, in fact, we went straight for the mall to grab lunch and do some shopping...hey let's not waste any time right?!

Here are a few pics from our journey and the first day we arrived:

Baby Siri with Papa....we'll miss you sooooo much Papa!!!

I had slept very well on the plane in my bassinet

Yay, Siri is so happy to be here!!

Grandma is feeding me...and I'm going night-night

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Siri's first International Trip- Los Cabos, Mexico

We just came back from a wonderful 5 day trip to Los Cabos, Mexico, courtesy of Wells Fargo for their semi-annual recognition event.  I knew I always wanted to take Baby Siri with us to Mexico but I had some concerns about her so I considered not taking her for a moment and even arranged for a babysitter.  After spending 2 whole months and every waking minute with my little Siri (since she came into this world), I realized I would miss her WAY too much and probably wouldn't have a good time without her.  I was right in the end.....I AM SO GLAD I took Siri with us to Cabo.....she did amazing despite the hot & humid weather.  We always kept her in the shade and when needed, we would fan her and of course, she cooled down in the pool as well which she really enjoyed.  It was our first family trip with Baby Siri and we all had a great time, especially the little one.  Here are the pictures from our trip:

Siri's first dip in the pool on the first day we arrived

The Happy Family

Siri is too sexy for her swimsuit

Siri's learning how to swim :)

Siri having fun with Papa

Siri just hanging out

Swimming sure makes Siri sleepy

In front of the Sheraton, Hacienda Del Mar

This is the view from our room

Monday, August 11, 2008

Siri's 2 month checkup

Today was Baby Siri's 2 month checkup and she did so well, well behaved the entire time.  The routine is that you undress your baby so that they can be weighed & Baby Siri is now at a whopping 14 lbs,  1 oz & measures 23 1/2 inches tall.  This was no surprise to the happy parents as we did our own measurements a few days ago (Papa came up with 15 lbs & 23 inches), plus you can't really ignore Siri's chubbiness either :)  These measurements aren't off the charts, but she is in the 98th percentile, well above the average baby at her age.  Siri received 4 shots and although she cried, it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Siri was able to calm down within a few seconds!! 

Here are the pictures taken at the doctor's office:

We just put Siri down to prepare to undress her.

Siri's getting her height measured here

Siri & Momma waiting for the shots 

As for her 2 month milestones, she's right on track. Siri is cooing and communicating in her own ways.....and doing what we love most, laughing & smiling :) Mommy is so happy because Baby Siri enjoys playing with her toys now. We just had her play on her play gym the other day and she had a good time. She's seems fascinated by looking at the toys hanging above and of course, she loves looking in the mirror!! She's also starting to want to put everything in her mouth....oh, it's so cute to see :)

Here are some pictures of Siri playing:

Momma & Siri

There she goes again, putting Mr. Elephant in her mouth!

Siri checking herself out in the mirror, oh dear, already so vain, hehehe!

Siri enjoying her play gym for the first time.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Happy 2 months Baby Siri :)

This past week, Mommy & Baby Siri have just been hanging out at home together, recuperating from all the fun we had when China & Muni were here.  Unfortunately Mamma caught a bit of a cold so it's possible that Baby Siri may have a cold as well. I hear her cough from time to time but no sniffles like me so that's good.  

Baby Siri continues to surprise me. Just when I thought I had her all figured out in terms of her likes & dislikes, she changes it up on me.  Early on, Siri enjoyed having her baths in the morning and would always smile when you pour the warm water on her.  Then in the last month, she's crying right after you take her out making it a challenge to put on her diaper & clothing. And now, in the last couple of times I bathed this week, she began crying DURING her bath.  I hope this isn't going to continue because bath time is supposed to be lots of fun, right?! It just saddens me to hear her hysterically crying :(  Well, now I know just to have a bottle ready for her so that right after I take her out of the bath, I can try to calm her by feeding her.  

Other than that, she's been great.  Baby Siri loves to play & smile, it just makes my heart melt whenever I hear her laugh and enjoy herself!! Here are some pictures from this week.

Siri likes to be in her swing now...yay!!

I love it when she sticks out her tongue, hehe!!

Siri getting her tummy time :)

Mamma got her all dressed up for pictures

And she also likes her mobile too :P

Happy 2 months Baby Siri, yaya :)