Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Greetings from Malaysia!

Mamma & Baby Siri arrived here in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on Monday morning and so far, we're having a blast! We're here until the end of the week and then we'll be heading off to Cambodia for 2 weeks. Siri is so excited to be spending the next few weeks with her maternal family, including her grandparents and little uncles and aunties!!

The journey here was long...almost 24 hours (We checked in at the airport 2 hours before, then it was 12 hours from LA-Taipei, then a 2 hour layover, and then another 4 hours from Taipei-KL and then of course the drive to the city). With all of that, Baby Siri did so well, in fact, she cried just here & there on the plane (for less than a minute) and once I gave her a bottle, she stopped immediately and fell back asleep. Siri slept throughout the whole flight from LA-Taipei, it was great!! And thankfully the guy next to me changed his seat so I didn't have anyone next to me ... it gave me a little more room for all the baby things I had to have next to me.

We were warmly greeted at the at the airport by my mom and her friend, Auntie Min. We didn't rest right away, in fact, we went straight for the mall to grab lunch and do some shopping...hey let's not waste any time right?!

Here are a few pics from our journey and the first day we arrived:

Baby Siri with Papa....we'll miss you sooooo much Papa!!!

I had slept very well on the plane in my bassinet

Yay, Siri is so happy to be here!!

Grandma is feeding me...and I'm going night-night

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Woo-hoo world traveler baby! Have fun and looking forward to seeing more photos! Love ya!