Monday, August 11, 2008

Siri's 2 month checkup

Today was Baby Siri's 2 month checkup and she did so well, well behaved the entire time.  The routine is that you undress your baby so that they can be weighed & Baby Siri is now at a whopping 14 lbs,  1 oz & measures 23 1/2 inches tall.  This was no surprise to the happy parents as we did our own measurements a few days ago (Papa came up with 15 lbs & 23 inches), plus you can't really ignore Siri's chubbiness either :)  These measurements aren't off the charts, but she is in the 98th percentile, well above the average baby at her age.  Siri received 4 shots and although she cried, it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Siri was able to calm down within a few seconds!! 

Here are the pictures taken at the doctor's office:

We just put Siri down to prepare to undress her.

Siri's getting her height measured here

Siri & Momma waiting for the shots 

As for her 2 month milestones, she's right on track. Siri is cooing and communicating in her own ways.....and doing what we love most, laughing & smiling :) Mommy is so happy because Baby Siri enjoys playing with her toys now. We just had her play on her play gym the other day and she had a good time. She's seems fascinated by looking at the toys hanging above and of course, she loves looking in the mirror!! She's also starting to want to put everything in her mouth....oh, it's so cute to see :)

Here are some pictures of Siri playing:

Momma & Siri

There she goes again, putting Mr. Elephant in her mouth!

Siri checking herself out in the mirror, oh dear, already so vain, hehehe!

Siri enjoying her play gym for the first time.

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